Swingin The Bottle

Back on the juice (as long as it's not cranberry)
Ok, so I've finally got this site up after some planning and some false starts. My journey with heart failure has been a bit of a learning curve, both about the condition but also getting to learning about myself again. In many way I'm still the same person but in others I'm very diffferent. The obvious things that have changed are that I no longer drink (well, apart from a couple at Christmas and my birthday as allowed by my cardiologist).
Going to the pub has always been and remains a big part of who I am. I just drink non alcoholic beer now and don't wake up with a hangover anymore which isn't a bad thing. Of course, non alcoholic beer isn't the best (especially Becks Blue which also gets me funny looks as it smells very strongly of marijuana!). BrewDog do a decent non alcoholic ale called Nanny State which I do enjoy when I can get it. UK pubs, please up your game on non alcoholic beer and don't charge £3 for a small bottle of Becks Blue; it's hard enough having to drink it without being ripped off! While I'm on the subject of non alcholic drinks, can one of the whisky makers please have a go at making a non alcoholic bourbon (a man can dream can't he!).
Oh, and why not cranberry? Well, surprisingly, cranberry and grapefruit can mess about with my medication so I'm not allowed them.