1000 Miles in 2019


I’m starting my 2019 fundraising early, but it’s planned to be a big one. I’ve worked myself up from 5K to 10K (two this year) to climbing mountains and rediscovering my love of hiking so when I was thinking what I would do in 2019 I decided it needed to be something big. The idea of doing the Coast to Coast walk seemed ideal, but what about the rest of the year?

That’s when I decided I should put a target on the year, and 1000 miles seemed to be the obvious but hopefully achievable distance to aim for over the year. If you think about it, it’s only really 3 miles a day. Easy you say, and of course it would be if I was including normal day to day walking around in the total. Of course, I can’t do that, so my 1000 miles (and hopefully more) will consist of my hiking and running throughout the year. I’ll be updating monthly with totals that have been logged in Strava so you can all keep up with how I’m doing and hopefully encourage me to go reach my target. Of course, if you are on Strava then feel free to follow me.

I'll be adding some other events to the year, probably a couple of 10K runs, but if you have any ideas of what I could do to knock some miles off the total that'd be great.

I’m raising money again for Pumping Marvellous so every penny goes towards helping provide support for people living with heart failure and helping raise awareness of the condition.  To donate, please click here!

I'm already planning 2020 and have some exciting ideas as it'll also be my 50th birthday in early 2020.  I wasn't sure I'd actually get there a couple of years ago so it 's going to be a bit special.