Election Time Again


Whoop de do!  We are having a General Election.  I can hardly remember the last election.  Oh hang on, there was that referendum last year, and the last general election the year before. It's hard to keep up especially when the current PM assured us she wasn't going to call an early election and that she would abide by the fixed term parliament act.  I mean, we all believed her didn't we?  The way she traded on Thatchers's 'this woman isn't for turning' legacy (god help us!).  MInd you, she probably gets her definition of telling the truth from the same dictionary as her predecessor who assured us that he would stick around if the country voted to leave the EU.  That worked well didn't it?

So, what does me ranting about the incompetents in Downing St. have to do with my life with heart failure?  Easy, the future funding of the NHS is something that directly affects me and my future (as well as many other peoples).  The way the NHS is being used as a political football is inexcusable and can not be allowed to continue if it is to survive in any way resembling it's current form (and that is way different from how it should be).  Our dear secretary of state for Health the esteemed Jeremy Hunt (other spelling are available) seems to want to do everything in his power to dismantle it and flog it off to his mates.  Make no mistake, you will not be left out of this if you vote for him and his mates.  He'll hang you out to dry just the same as us that oppose him. 

Junior doctors were not just being stroppy and looking after themselves when they were striking last year, they were trying to protect the NHS so that they can care for us.  I saw first hand how hard these people work (not just junior doctors, everyone from the cleaning/catering staff up to the consultants) and the way they are treated by some members of the public and those in positions of power.  Do I support them when they want better working conditions and better pay, hell yes, of course I do.  Not only because I belive that people should be treated with dignity, but also because without them we are buggered. 

So, on June 8th when you are marking your cross on the ballot paper please think about how you would like to be treated if ill (as well as many other reasons to vote the way you do). Don't be fooled into thinking this is about the EU in isolation because while that is important it is also vital to realise that there are far wider implications at stake in who governs us for the next 5 years.